Lanzarote Health center / Centro de salud natural



Appointment 60 min / Tratamiento 60 min

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:€50



Vuestro centro de salud natural a Playa Blanca.

Your natural health center in Playa Blanca

You are in pain? You are not feeling very well? Or you just want some relaxation for yourself?

Tienes dolor o no te sientes bien? O simplemente quieres un momento relajante para ti mismo?

I propose different treatments such as Osteopathy - Cranio Sacral Therapy, manual Japanese techniques, Acupressure, Shiatsu and Acupuncture.

Ofrezco varias terapias como Osteopatia - Terapia Craneo Sacral, Tecnicas Japonesas Manuales, Acupresion, Shiatsu y la Acupuntura.

You would like to become a therapist yourself? Or are you looking for a nice workshop? Please discover our International Academy (we also have an Academy in Belgium). (Belgium)

Quieres convertirte en un terapeuta? O estas buscando un buen taller? Echa un vistazo a nuestra Academia Internacional (tambien tenemos una Academia en Bruselas). (Belgica)

Hablo Espanol, I speak English, ich spreche Deutsch, je parle le Français, ik spreek Nederlands, parlo un po di Italiano


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